发明人:KWAK, Byung-Man申请号:EP09848308.4申请日:20091230公开号:EP2465766A1公开日:20120620
摘要:The present invention provides a balance maintenance device of a floatingstructure, comprising: a driving device which rotates a driving shaft; a first eccentricrotator which is positioned on the one side of the driving device, and is connected to the
driving shaft to rotate around the driving shaft by the rotation of the driving shaft; and asecond eccentric rotator which is positioned on the other side of the driving device, and isconnected to the driving shaft to rotate around the driving shaft by the rotation of thedriving shaft, wherein the second eccentric rotator rotates with a phase difference of 180degrees from the rotation of the first eccentric rotator. Further, according to the presentinvention, the balance maintenance device of the floating structure comprises: a firstdriving device which rotates a first driving shaft; a first eccentric rotator which is
positioned on the one side of the first driving device, and of which one end is connectedto the first driving shaft so that the first eccentric rotator may rotate around the firstdriving shaft by the rotation of the first driving shaft; a second driving device whichrotates a second driving shaft; and a second eccentric rotator which is positioned on theother side of the second driving device, and of which one end is connected to the seconddriving shaft so that the second eccentric rotator may rotate around the second drivingshaft by the rotation of the second driving shaft, wherein the second eccentric rotatorhas a phase difference of 180 degrees from the rotation of the first eccentric rotator.
申请人:Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
地址:373-1 Guseong-dong Yuseong-gu Daejeon-si 305-701 KR
代理机构:Kindermann, Peter